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Smile Makeover

Smile Makeover

In dentistry Veneer is a thin layer of tooth like material, which is placed over the existing tooth surface with minimal preparation, to improve the esthetics of a tooth with regards to color or position. Multiple veneers can close spaces between teeth, lengthen teeth, provide uniform color, shape and symmetry and make the teeth appear “straight”.

There are two types of materials used to fabricate a veneer; composite resin and dental porcelain. A composite resin veneer is directly placed (built-up in the mouth) by the Dentist. In contrast, a porcelain veneer is indirectly fabricated by a dental technician in a dental laboratory and later bonded to the tooth by the Dentist.

Veneers can be used for:

Smile makeovers
Discoloured teeth
Fractured teeth
Malpositioned teeth
Closing spaces between teeth
To lengthen short teeth

Custom designed Smile Makeovers can be affected to suit the individuals age, personality, image aspiration and built to give maximum impact to the smile using veneers.